Mirkat Logo
Protect your online accounts and finances from hackers

Mirkat monitors the dark web for your stolen passwords, credit cards, bank accounts, and more.

Stop online account takeovers.Fend off fraudulent credit card purchases.Safeguard the cash in your bank account.Protect your crypto and NFTs from theft.Prevent loans or credit cards from being opened in your name.
Dark scan scanner
Around the clock dark web monitoring

Your sensitive information could end up exposed or for sale on dark web forums, chat rooms, and black markets. Mirkat monitors for all of it.

  • Passwords
  • Messaging
  • Social media
  • Banking
  • Streaming
  • Gaming
  • Dating
  • Financial
  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards
  • Bank accounts
  • Crypto accounts
  • Investment accounts
  • Personal
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • SSN
  • Drivers license
  • Passport
Know when you’re at risk

Mirkat alerts you when your sensitive information - including passwords and credit cards - is found on the dark web.

Mirkat dark web alerts
Take action before hackers strike

After being notified of a new threat, Mirkat will tell you what to do next - like change your password or review your bank account activity.

Mirkat recommendations
Getting started is free and easy

Sign up with your most used email address, and Mirkat will scan the dark web for your sensitive information.

Mirkat scanning the dark web